This has been a period of highs and lows at WtR. We're doing our best to support our friends and colleagues who have been affected by the terrible situation in Ukraine. We're trying our utmost to alleviate their difficulties and to raise funds to aid those in need. Our thoughts are with all of you who have been similarly affected. At the same time, we're trying to find joy in our work. Below you'll find some of the projects we're most proud of from the last quarter of 2021. We hope they inspire you when it comes to planning your next project. As always, thank you for your continued support.

Project spotlight

Project/Leijonsköldska Palatset

Location/Stockholm, Sweden

Type/Commercial Refurbishment


Built in 1860 and originally Stockholm's first private bank palace, the stunning Lion Shield Palace is currently undergoing a historical refurbishment aimed at carefully preserving the original details in the building - wooden doors and panels, original paintings, and details on the walls, ceilings, and around stucco. From the statement reception area to the painstaking restoration work required to preserve the original details, not a single thing has been left to chance. Once completed this unique property will house state-of-the-art office spaces while at the same time preserving its historic charm.



Project/Leijonsköldska Palatset

Location/Stockholm, Sweden



Lion Shield Palace was brought to life with a total of 9 CGIs - an aerial, an exterior, 4 interiors, and 3 interior detail shots - to showcase the stunning original details that make this property so special.


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Recent projects

Inside WtR

Humanitarian aid for Ukraine

We've been raising funds for ADRA so that we can do our part to help those affected by the situation in Ukraine.

Still growing

We're excited to have added new members to our production and sales teams as well as welcomed a Finance Manager and Chief Revenue Officer!

Booking projects with WtR

Do you have an upcoming project you'd like to discuss? We're always ready to help. Let's chat!

Working with the best

Previous issues

Get in touch to plan your 2022 projects. Over the past 10 years, we’ve partnered on 1000’s of projects with commercial developers, property marketing teams, architects, and leasing agents, fine-tuning our ability to increase the value of properties with high-quality visualizations and animations. Reach out below and let's discuss your upcoming projects!

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